
Do you need new shoes or a Biomechanics screening? Correct your body before changing your shoes.

I was recently in a running shoe shop where they are able to analyse how you run using videos, etc. and give advice on new shoes. I just caught the end of the conversation where they told the runner that he has a sore knee because of his ankle and that he needs to have more supportive shoes in order to stop his knee rolling in – to make his knee feel better. This may very well be the case, but without a full analysis of how his body is moving I would challenge that his problem could be coming from further up his body. I, as a runner, would prefer to find out what is wrong with my body, correct it and then go for the shoe analysis. It just seems like a better way round, doesn’t it?

What could be going on with this runner? Well, without a full screening we don’t know. It could be that he sits a lot at work and his pelvis has got fed up with being in this position for so many hours that some of his muscles have spasmed. This means that they are no longer able to relax resulting in pelvis going out of balance. This can then result in one leg being longer than another. To continue, when you’re running, your knee falls in to make up for the difference in length causing the knee pain.

So, back to the runner. He may have his new shoes solving part of his problem and he’ll feel good for a bit but as he hasn’t sorted out his underlying problem, chances are his knee is going to hurt again.

If this sounds like you, then get in touch and we can take a closer look.

Author: laura