“On Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd June the fourth 020 sbn Pop-up Boutique took place, a two-day market showing more than 60 small businesses from Amsterdam and surrounding areas and WOW, what a day it proved to be. The weather was fantastic and the atmosphere was warm and buzzing with positive energy.”
I was also there, sharing a table with Joyce from EatLiveLoveFood. We spent two lovely days in a very creative and colorful atmosphere, meeting lots of people and promoting the two main things that keep the body healthy: healthy food and movement. We even joined forces in a 6 week weight loss programme!
If you missed it, stay tuned and make sure your come to the next, it was lots of fun and very interesting to see all the lovely things entrepreneurs are up to in Amsterdam.
Many thanks to the Amsterdam Small Business Network! (website)
Author: Lorna Wilson
Like what you see? Then send me a message or e-mail. We can meet up for a chat and find out how I can help you improve your training and help reduce injury risk.
06 460 377 74 / lorna@wilsonsworkouts.nl