What to Expect at a First Session

The video below is what you can expect during your first biomechanics session with me. I wanted to make something that helped take away the uncertainty of coming to see me for a screening for the first time. This screening process allows me to find out what exercises to give to clients that are specific to how [...]

Endurance training

In the last few months, the number of runners and triathletes working with me has gone up. They come to me to work on their biomechanics and strength. It is a real joy to see the work we do in the gym have a positive effect on their training to reach [...]


Currently, my husband is training for a big endurance event. He doesn’t like to be the centre of attention, so this will be all I will say about him. 🙂 On my side, I have noticed that during this training period I have gone to some social activities on my own, [...]

How to write a Christmas workout

Every year in the week leading up to Christmas, I do a fun workout for my group classes called "12 Exercises of Christmas"  Basically, you use the song “The twelve days of Christmas”, do you know it? If not here is someone singing it better than I could 😉 To summarise, the first few lines go: 🎶 On [...]

How to adapt your training to your menstrual cycle

As you may have seen, I was recently training for a hyrox competition. I normally train with a triathlon coach and although I did consider hiring a hyrox coach at first, I decided  that going for a first Hyrox race and having only 7 weeks of training probably wasn’t really worth it. So, I [...]

Winter blues?

Daylight saving time has now ended, and with less daylight during this time of the year, some of us can experience the winter blues. If you feel like you have the blues from the darker days, which results in wanting to train less, you are not alone. Multiple studies have demonstrated that engagement in physical activities can help alleviate [...]

By |December 6th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Launching a new class

I am launching a new class, and you are the first ones to learn about it! My new Strength and Movement class is focused on strength and movement (as the title implies 😀 ) for mainly women over 35. We will focus on strength exercises using minimal equipment. There will be two types of classes: one will be a live [...]

Leading up to Menopause

Are you a woman in your 40's or starting your 50's and you are noticing changes in how your body works despite doing the same sport? Are you eating the same as you did in your 30's but now you experience some strange symptoms that you are not used to? These can be symptoms of peri-menopause. During this period not all of [...]

My new office reveal

As I mentioned here, we moved into a new house earlier this year. With it came the much dreamed chance to have a new office. I put a call out to you guys to help me come up with ideas on how I could design the room, with specific emphasis on the background for zoom classes and [...]

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