The video below is what you can expect during your first biomechanics session with me. I wanted to make something that helped take away the uncertainty of coming to see me for a screening for the first time.

This screening process allows me to find out what exercises to give to clients that are specific to how they move and what they want to achieve.

We assess your body’s movement from head to toe in order to select the exercises that will help you to improve any movement inefficiencies caused by our modern lifestyle and lay the foundation for our strength training sessions. Then, each following session, we screen again to see what has changed.

Even if your goal isn’t to build a stronger body, biomechanics sessions can help build a more supple and resilient body for endurance sports like running, cycling, and swimming. In many cases, client report feeling less pain in their knees, hips, shoulders, and more.

I love being able to help clients improve their movement and move towards their own goals. If you are interested in improving your movement and have a screening like this please send me an email or go here.

Author: Lorna Wilson

Like what you see? Then send me a message or e-mail. We can meet up for a chat and find out how I can help you improve your training and help reduce injury risk.
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