Personal Training

Racing together with my clients.

In this blog I wrote about the preparation I was going through for my triathlon and the fact I had hurt my Achilles tendon and had had very limited running training leading up to the event. Well, this race has taken place and I now want to share the experience with you. The race [...]

The impact of strength training and biomechanics coaching

We are not fully into triathlon season yet, however I am already seeing some great feedback from my endurance athletes who come to me to help with how they move and how it is converting to their performances. Here are some of their stories: Martijn is a [...]

Training through the school holidays

Training throughout the school holiday period We are heading towards the school summer holidays, so we decided this month to write about how to keep training when your kids aren’t at school. There is a little problem though: I don't have any first-hand experience with this, therefore, I decided to ask my [...]

How to write a Christmas workout

Every year in the week leading up to Christmas, I do a fun workout for my group classes called "12 Exercises of Christmas"  Basically, you use the song “The twelve days of Christmas”, do you know it? If not here is someone singing it better than I could 😉 To summarise, the first few lines go: đŸŽ¶Â On [...]

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