Personal Training

Boston Marathon – Sports Psychology

As some of you may know, I am going to be running the Boston marathon (read here for more information). As a Personal Trainer I know the importance of training and having a plan to run it. The psychology is also part of the preparation. I am fortunate to be friends with a Sports Psychologist, Suzannah, [...]

What a pain! 3 things I learned about pain

I have recently been on a course about pain and have been finding it a very interesting subject. So today I thought to share three things that I've found extra-interesting. 1.Pain is normal Pain is a normal part of our life. No one will go through life without it, and actually, even if at first glance [...]

Hills in Amsterdam – A training challenge

Training for hills in a flat city On the 1st of November I started my training for the Boston Marathon. And the biggest challenge is: how to train for a hilly course in a completely flat city? Here are some of the training tools we (my coach and I) have come up with that are going [...]

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