“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”
This is a much-repeated quote by Benjamin Franklin. And it makes sense in all areas of one’s life.
You don’t just walk into an important meeting without preparing. You don’t go write an exam without going over the material. You don’t enter a competition without training first.
But what about preparing for training itself?
Ask yourself, do you recognise yourself either of these scenarios?
Excessive Sitting Lifestyle
You sit all day. You sit on the train, you sit at work, you sit in front of the TV or your laptop when you get home.
Injury from Training
One day, you decided to start training. A few weeks in and you are suddenly sidelined because you are injured.
You think that it was because of the sport and training and go back to your old ways.
Or perhaps, you spend a lot of time and money on helping yourself to get out of pain so that you can continue on.
If you see yourself in these, then you’re no the only one. These are some of the biggest factors that prevent people from reaching their health and fitness goals.
What if I told you a different story?
• What if you had simple ways to combat our modern lifestyle that’s based around sitting?
• What if you could have made yourself more resilient before you started training?
• What if you had spent a few extra minutes before training getting yourself ready to train?
A Different Approach
This is what we do in my training sessions.
I take the time to screen my clients and find out where their limitations are and prescribe them exercises that improve how the muscles move.
This first phase of preparation restores an individual’s capacity around the pelvis and spine so that they are level and moving freely, or correctly, for that individual.
Added Benefits
This makes you more efficient during your workout and can set you up for improved performance and personal bests.
Of course, you still have to do the work to get faster, lift more, run longer, etc. But if you prepare yourself first, you are going to give yourself a head start.
If you would like some help to get yourself prepared for training, try out my online programme.
Author: Lorna Wilson
Like what you see? Then send me a message or e-mail. We can meet up for a chat and find out how I can help you improve your training and help reduce injury risk.
06 460 377 74 / lorna@wilsonsworkouts.nl