
About Lorna Wilson

Like what you see? Then send me a message or e-mail. We can meet up for a chat and find out how I can help you improve your training and help reduce injury risk. 06 460 377 74 / lorna@wilsonsworkouts.nl

How to mobilise your mid back

thoracic spine (mid back) As humans we are designed to be hunters and gatherers, our bodies are not designed to be sitting all day. From home to car/public transport, sitting at work all day, sitting having lunch, back home probably involving sitting again and then plumping ourselves in front of the telly to [...]

Race report – Bosbaan Triathlon Olympic distance

Last week I sent out the following in my newsletter leading up to the Bosbaan Olympic distance triathlon, taking place just a 15 minute cycle from home. I'm exposing myself a bit in this month's newsletter.  The reason is that I am writing this before my last triathlon of the season and I really don't like [...]

Race report – Wormerland Triathlon

It was a couple of weeks back that I completed the Wormerland Sprint Triathlon, my first of 2017. I had originally planned a different triathlon  that day which was then cancelled, leaving me quite disappointed. Luckily I found another on the same day and the same distance, and that was also not so far away. [...]

As Take That sang – “Have a little patience”

The start of the triathlon season has taught me the act of being patient.  Reflecting on last year I often found myself constantly low of energy because I started the season too soon after I had run a marathon and there were a lot of things going on in my life.  I therefore decided to delay [...]

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