I have been a runner for over 15 years now. But what got me started and why do I run?
Many people who meet me think that I have always been a runner, but I actually started from zero.
I was always active as a child and was desperate to be a gymnast, with no club where I lived I had to make do with ballet and tap lessons.Luckily though a gymnastics club came to town and I dropped the dancing straight away to join up. I loved it for many years. I was also a very keen swimmer. My Mum took me to swimming lessons, I then swam with the local club and then I became a pool attendant at the local pool.
Roll on a few years and I moved to Amsterdam. I met a lovely colleague who was a triathlete. She was busy trying to create relay teams within the company; one person swimming, one cycling and another running. At that time swimming was the only element of the triathlon I could do so I volunteered for that. Little did I know what I was letting myself in for. The swim was one kilometre in a small harbour. It smelled of boats and you could hardly see anything in the water. I came out of the water and declared “never again”. Needless to say I was there the following year!
I loved the atmosphere of the triathlon and having also watched it on the TV as a child it really felt like something I wanted to do. But I could’t run or bike. So, I decided to start with running. I really did start with running for 1 minute, walking 1 minute just like I recommend my clients do. For some reason I started running in the winter so I have memories of being in the Vondelpark in the rain with my new boyfriend (now husband) cycling next to me to keep me motivated. Awwww.
So, that’s how it started. I then entered a 5km run, did a few of them and then a 10km and found that I was getting better and better. I joined a running group and really enjoyed myself. After a few years I did my first half marathon and knew as I crossed the line I wanted to do a marathon.
And eventually after 10 years of running I did my first triathlon. But that’s a whole other story…
Author: Lorna Wilson
Like what you see? Then send me a message or e-mail. We can meet up for a chat and find out how I can help you improve your training and help reduce injury risk.
06 460 377 74 / lorna@wilsonsworkouts.nl
[…] triathlon of 2019 I am reflecting on the start of taking up this crazy sport. In my last blog post Why I started running I said that I had intended to take up triathlon many years previously, but fell in love with […]