Tina’s diary – After three Biomechanics sessions

Guest blog post - Tina has written a blog about the 3 Biomechanics sessions she's had with Wilson's Workouts. Thank you so much for your feedback, Tina!  Imagine – spending a Sunday morning out running through the beautiful parks of Amsterdam, afterwards stopping for a coffee with friends… and not being in pain! Not starting [...]

Inspiration for the Politie Triathlon

On Saturday I completed my second last triathlon of the season, the Politie Triathlon (the one that I have been putting all my efforts into). I'd been watching quite a lot of sport during the week and I really took some inspiration from two athletes that I had seen.  Interesting neither were British, which for me [...]

Biomechanics And Baby Wearing

A few weeks ago I met with Michelle, founder of Mamahub, a space where parents come to seek advice on wellbeing and healthy living. Rather than using a buggy, pushchair or pram, Michelle wears her baby Cara. Baby wearing is centuries old and has been practiced around the world in many different cultures. Working with [...]

By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Biomechanics, Buggyfit|0 Comments

D33 – How my first ultra-marathon went

In one of my previous blogs posts I spoke about my training leading up to my first ultra marathon, the D33, in Scotland. On Saturday I did it! My last week of training had me running a 70 minute run on Tuesday. I felt amazing and ready to go and then on Thursday I ran [...]

My First Ultramarathon

An ultra marathon is any race longer than a marathon, longer than 42.2 km. Last year, after running the Barcelona marathon, I felt I could run a bit further. How much further, I don’t know yet… But I am now training for a 33 miles (53km) ultra marathon, from Aberdeen (North east of Scotland) to [...]

WW at the Official Launch of De Hallen

One of the hippest locations in Amsterdam at the moment - De Hallen has been open for quite a while now, but they only had their official opening on the 6th of February. Instead of their usual weekend Local Goods Market, they organised a special Neighbourhood Market, inviting organisations and entrepreneurs from the neighbourhood to [...]

By |February 19th, 2015|Categories: by Lorna, Lorna's adventures|0 Comments
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