Perimenopause and insomnia

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash The first book that I read and made me realise I had the beginning stages of perimenopause is called “Period Repair Manual” by Lara Briden. I was experiencing waking through the night, which was crippling and was becoming a bit of a problem. One of the chapters [...]

5-50-500 challenge

This blog isn’t about my challenge, but that of a new friend Jane. She is a client of a colleague, and we used to just say hi in the gym until a few weeks after lockdown when I got a message from her asking about whether open water swimming was possible because the pools were [...]

Perimenopause – Body composition changes

From reading both Roar by Stacy Sims and Menopocolypse by Amanda Thebe, I have learned that as women move through perimenopause, they can  experience changes in body composition. Many women will experience some fat gain during this time and this can be for many reasons. Photo by Chris Jarvis on Unsplash This may [...]

My secret tips on how to start running

I have been a runner now for about 15 years and I would like to, share a few tips on how to get started with running based on the experience I built up myself and working with clients. Start slowly When I have been with a client for their first run, sometimes we walk out [...]

My experience of running 60 km

In May 2020, when there was much uncertainty around races,I decided to take things into my hands and set my own challenges. After my first challenge - to cycle 200km, the second was the triathlon ironman distance over 3 days; it was time to take on the third, and I decided to run an ultramarathon. [...]

The surprise of starting my perimenopause

While following a course on post natal training by Burrell Education I was made aware, via their marketing, of the fact that later in life women will hit perimenopause before their menopause, but I hadn’t realised at that point I might experience this already.  I was 43 when I was suddenly experiencing wakeful nights. It [...]

Training around your menstrual cycle

A big revelation happened after watching this Ted Talk by Stacy Sims. She explains how research around sports performance is done on men because “women are an anomaly”. This means that the fact that women menstruate has led to us women being ignored by sports research. Luckily she has taken this up and done her own [...]

This is how I do it!

Recently one of my clients called me Superwoman because of my training schedule and triathlon adventures. Although I don’t think of myself quite like that, I do sometimes think I must be a bit different from others as I train almost everyday and I am driven by my race goals. On the other hand, I [...]

Breaking the taboo of the perimenopause

I am currently 45 and a couple of years ago I started experiencing some mild symptoms. After some reading, I realised I had started the perimenopause. This experience made me realise that this topic isn’t really spoken about much. I had heard of menopause - but that is when you are 50 or so, isn’t [...]

5 blessings of lockdown

On my new bike trainer It is more than 10 months since the first lockdown in the Netherlands took place. We now have a curfew and it is really tough for many people. My number one way to keep my spirits up over this period is to always be grateful for what I [...]

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