Arthritis and Exercise

(Please note: this article shouldn’t replace advice given by a medical professional) According to, 7.5% of men and 13.1% of women between 40 and 44 had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2017 and the figures for osteoarthritis (artose in Dutch) are 11.7% of men and 15.6% of women. The NHS website defines arthritis [...]

Exercise and stress relief

You know it yourself, you do a workout and the rest of the day you are on a high and are so glad you did it. We need stress in our lives to stimulate action otherwise we would never get anything done but when it becomes too much it can influence our health in a [...]

Tight sciatic nerve

One of the areas of the body we look at during a biomechanics screening is the sciatic nerve. I would say about 80% of the clients I have worked with don’t know what the sciatic nerve is. Therefore thought it would be a good subject to write about it. The sciatic nerve runs down the [...]

Why women over 40 should strength train

I’ve been in my forties for a year or three now already and I am becoming increasingly aware that there are changes coming my way. It can be quite a confusing time, but in this blog I want to talk about the importance of strength training during this period. I’m aging alongside my clients, therefore [...]

By |July 1st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

Biomechanics Coaching for Dummies

One of the many challenges of having done a Diploma in Biomechanics Coaching is that it’s quite a challenge to explain what I do. Everyone has an idea what a physiotherapist does, but once upon a time physiotherapy used to be a new thing, so I am hoping one of these days everyone will know [...]

Starting triathlon – my experience

As I sit on the eve of my first triathlon of 2019 I am reflecting on the start of taking up this crazy sport. In my last blog post Why I started running I said that I had intended to take up triathlon many years previously, but fell in love with running and 10 years later I [...]

What to Expect at a First Session

The video below is what you can expect during your first biomechanics session with me. I wanted to make something that helped take away the uncertainty of coming to see me for a screening for the first time. This screening process allows me to find out what exercises to give to clients that are specific to how [...]

Why I started running

I have been a runner for over 15 years now. But what got me started and why do I run? Many people who meet me think that I have always been a runner, but I actually started from zero. I was always active as a child and was desperate to be a gymnast, with no [...]

Prepare Yourself for Training

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” This is a much-repeated quote by Benjamin Franklin. And it makes sense in all areas of one's life. You don't just walk into an important meeting without preparing. You don't go write an exam without going over the material. You don't enter a competition without training first. But [...]

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