Fitness equipment on a shelf

How do you feel about new year’s resolutions? Do you make any? Do you follow through with them? Do you make them about your health and/or fitness? Or maybe work related?

Personally I don’t make new year’s resolutions. I like to make good decisions about my health throughout the year and slowly work on habits to achieve the goals when I am ready, rather than waiting for a specific date. For example, a few years ago I had sleep problems. I looked into what I could do to help solve the problem and then took action.

However, as with many things, we are all different. For some, the new year is a good moment to reflect and think about making some positive changes. If you do like to make a new years resolution or you are thinking of making some changes, keep on reading, I have written a couple of blogs on the subject and I am sharing all the insights with you!

new year

We are now into January. It is typically a time of the year when goals are already made and broken. Have you set goals? How are you getting on? If you find it hard to set up your fitness goals, here are 3 of my top tips for setting them here.

Do you have any fitness goals? How do you go about achieving them? Do you know where to start? Do you know how to make it work for you? Get a few tips on how to set up your fitness goals and go about achieving them here.

If you need some help with your fitness goals, feel free to get in touch.

Author: Lorna Wilson

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