Personal Training

Race report – Wormerland Triathlon

It was a couple of weeks back that I completed the Wormerland Sprint Triathlon, my first of 2017. I had originally planned a different triathlon  that day which was then cancelled, leaving me quite disappointed. Luckily I found another on the same day and the same distance, and that was also not so far away. [...]

As Take That sang – “Have a little patience”

The start of the triathlon season has taught me the act of being patient.  Reflecting on last year I often found myself constantly low of energy because I started the season too soon after I had run a marathon and there were a lot of things going on in my life.  I therefore decided to delay [...]

Boston Marathon: An amazing experience

Having trained really hard for Boston Marathon I really believed my training would allow for me to beat my personal best from 2014 of 3:27 - unfortunately the weather had a different view. We started race day early and the hotel really got behind it by providing an early breakfast. We were told to make sure [...]

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