Staying strong

Tine started training with me at the start of February 2017. In her own words this is her experience working with me: "I was always afraid to run, but had the dream to do a sprint triathlon, afraid of the pain and injuries, I thought I could never run, but with your strength training I [...]

How to mobilise your mid back

thoracic spine (mid back) As humans we are designed to be hunters and gatherers, our bodies are not designed to be sitting all day. From home to car/public transport, sitting at work all day, sitting having lunch, back home probably involving sitting again and then plumping ourselves in front of the telly to [...]

It’s my piriformis!

When I started running I had no idea what a piriformis was. When I did my Personal Training qualification I remember learning what it did and where it was, but also thinking it looked so small and insignificant. It really got skipped in my mind for bigger, cooler muscles like the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. [...]

10km swim – done

Corrien came to see me for Biomechanics Coaching because she had this amazing goal to swim 10km. I was very excited - to be part of somebody's plans for a big goal like this is always a delight! Corrien swims using the Total Immersion method of swimming. There is a lot of movement required in [...]

Race report – Bosbaan Triathlon Olympic distance

Last week I sent out the following in my newsletter leading up to the Bosbaan Olympic distance triathlon, taking place just a 15 minute cycle from home. I'm exposing myself a bit in this month's newsletter.  The reason is that I am writing this before my last triathlon of the season and I really don't like [...]

Back to running 10km

Christien came to see me as she had heard about my Biomechanics Screenings and wondered if I could help her. She had been running for a while and when she decided to move up from running 5kms to half marathons she started to experience injuries. She has successfully ran 4 half marathons despite the occasional [...]

Why I became a Biomechanics Coach

After being a Personal Trainer for about 5 years I was satisfied and happy with my work but I had the feeling something was missing. I had clients who weren't able to move in what I learned was good form and then other clients who had "perfect form" that could still get niggles and pain. [...]

Race report – Wormerland Triathlon

It was a couple of weeks back that I completed the Wormerland Sprint Triathlon, my first of 2017. I had originally planned a different triathlon  that day which was then cancelled, leaving me quite disappointed. Luckily I found another on the same day and the same distance, and that was also not so far away. [...]

My longest injury free streak

I started running back in 2004 (or was it 2003?). I started exactly how I now recommend runners should start. With a simple programme where for the first week you run 1 minute, walk 1 minute x 10. Strangely my memories of this was doing it in the dark and I had no idea what [...]

As Take That sang – “Have a little patience”

The start of the triathlon season has taught me the act of being patient.  Reflecting on last year I often found myself constantly low of energy because I started the season too soon after I had run a marathon and there were a lot of things going on in my life.  I therefore decided to delay [...]

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