Be a rebel – take the challenge

As you will no doubt have realised if you follow me, I am always trying to encourage people to sit less.  Today I take the challenge to get off your butts. We are designed to be hunters and gatherers but there has been a relatively recent change in human behaviour. We now sit more, we are [...]

It’s love!

Since changing the direction of my services from quite a generic Personal Training Service to focusing more and more on movement I have found myself in the enviable position of having a job I love more and more. More than 2 years ago I qualified as a Biomechanics Coach and this has been a real [...]

Boston Marathon: An amazing experience

Having trained really hard for Boston Marathon I really believed my training would allow for me to beat my personal best from 2014 of 3:27 - unfortunately the weather had a different view. We started race day early and the hotel really got behind it by providing an early breakfast. We were told to make sure [...]

Kombucha – the Why and the How

I recently posted the following picture on the right to my social media and was surprised at the volume of response I received.  I have had problems with my digestion in the past and I drink kombucha regularly to help it along. It takes a few steps to make kombucha so I asked my friend Joyce who [...]

By |April 9th, 2017|Categories: Health tips|Tags: , |1 Comment

7 tips for the marathon taper

I have hit my favourite time of marathon training - the taper. And given I work for House of Running I am also surrounded by others who are just two or three weeks away from their marathons. Personally I am quite shattered so it is important I do this well. What is the taper and [...]

My Own Encounter with Pain Psychology

I have a real interest in the psychology of pain and have written a couple of blogs about it (check them out here and here). Last week I had my own brush with pain psychology that I want to share with you. At the time I was 6 weeks out from running the Boston marathon and [...]

Toploper! Me?!? Schoorl Half Marathon

It wasn't my intention to write a specific blog on the Schoorl Half marathon. However, I was so pleased about how it went that I thought it deserved its own spot in my blog. This race was planned in the agenda quite a few months ago. Because I had only done a few weeks of [...]

Boston Marathon Training Update

Earlier this month Boston Marathon were showing on Facebook and Instagram that they had already painted the finish line. At the moment I don't feel the finish line is quite in sight. But training is definitely going well and has included a cross country. As the year changed to 2017 my training took a turn [...]

Workshop – Biomechanic Coaching for runners

Do you want to get the most out of your running? This is a workshop for runners. We'll partner up to learn key Biomechanics Coaching screening techniques and achieve direct results. You will take away invaluable DIY exercises that will help you feeling more free and aligned, boost your performance and reduce the chance of [...]

MAF Training for Boston Marathon

After having made a video of my session with a Sports Psychologist I thought it would also be interesting to interview my triathlon coach Matt Warnock to share the type of training I have done in the first 3 months of training for Boston Marathon. It is called MAF training - that stands for Metabolic Aerobic [...]

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